
reflexology and aromatherapy massage treatments especially for fertility, pregnancy and birth.

Holistic Therapy Treatments are lovely to have at any time, but especially good at a time when you need to look after yourself even more! I offer Reflexology and Aromatherapy Massage Treatments for Fertility, Pregnancy (after 12 weeks) and Birth.


Reflexology has a very balancing effect on the endocrine system of the body and is a wonderful treatment to have for women who are trying to conceive, pregnant or about to give birth.

I am an experienced Reflexology Practitioner and I have developed a special interest in Fertility and Maternity Reflexology and have taken extra training in this specialist area.

Fertility Reflexology is recommended by many assisted conception clinics as a natural treatment option to enhance fertility and provide much needed relaxation during the process of fertility treatment.

Maternity Reflexology is a lovely treat to have throughout your pregnancy and research has shown that it not only helps with the symptoms of pregnancy, but labour times can be shorter with less medical intervention.

I always carry out a full consultation prior to any treatment so I can recommend a course of treatment for the individual. This would generally be regular treatments for the greatest benefit, however we can work together to find the best option. I also offer a course of four Reflexology treatments at a discount, so this can be a good option for regular clients.

Aromatherapy oils can be wonderful healers and they have the power to influence our health and wellbeing, especially during the process of trying to conceive, pregnancy and even during birth.

Regular Massage is a wonderful way to relax and have some time to yourself, while helping your body to balance and heal itself through massage and the power of the aromatherapy oils .

A blend of oils is made for each treatment, according to individual needs or preferences at the time. Different oils are used for different therapeutic benefits, so the blend could be different each time you visit (although a lot of my clients have their favourites!)

When you arrive for your first treatment I will carry out a full consultation to determine the best course of treatment for maximum benefit, this would usually be regular treatments however we can work together to find the best option.
If you have any questions please just ask!