
Reflexology for Fertility

Reflexology for Fertility

One in six couples in the UK experience difficulties trying to conceive, and for them the process of trying for a baby can be a very overwhelming and stressful experience. 

There are many reasons why women may struggle to become pregnant, such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Thyroid problems, lack of ovulation, Endometriosis and Stress/Anxiety,  all influenced by the hormone levels in our bodies. 

Male fertility issues are often overlooked, even though analysis of couples trying to conceive tells us that in a third of cases the cause will be related to the woman, in another third the cause will be related to the man and the remaining third is joint or unexplained. Male fertility and sperm count is heavily influenced by diet, lifestyle, stress levels and general health as new sperm is made all the time, unlike women who are born with their lifetime’s supply of eggs.

The importance of being in the best health possible before and during the process of trying to conceive cannot be underestimated. A good diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and less processed, refined foods and sugars is important to make sure both of you are in a good  state of general heath. Work/life balance and keeping the stress levels down is important too, as our bodies have a habit of responding to emotional stress by giving us physical illness. 

So how does Reflexology fit into this?

Reflexology is a Holistic treatment, which means it is designed to treat the whole body rather than any symptoms or causes of illness, and both men and women will benefit from it. You may both like to have regular treatments, depending on your particular situation. During each treatment Reflexology boosts the immune system, promotes more restful sleep, balances the hormones, and helps with digestion and fluid retention. 

Fertility Reflexology will of course have more focus on particular areas of the body, such as the reproductive organs/endocrine system but the aim of the treatment is to clear toxins and restore balance to the whole body to allow it to work more efficiently in all areas (including the all-important reproductive system!)

Reflexology is also a very relaxing treatment and helps to balance the hormones in the body associated with stress and anxiety. 

What can I expect from Fertility Reflexology?

When you visit I will carry out a confidential health consultation with you, and we will chat about your journey to becoming pregnant and what stage you are at. We can then work out a plan based on your individual circumstances, time and budget. In an ideal world treatments would be once a week, however I appreciate this is not possible for some people for various reasons. I also offer a block booking discount for four treatments (£130 saving £22). Treatments last an hour, during which you will enjoy a warm aromatherapy foot bath, then lie down while I carry out gentle foot massage and the manipulation of reflexes on your feet. Falling asleep is optional 🙂

The most important question… does it work?

Well…. over the years I have had six or seven ladies come to me for Fertility Reflexology, and of those four went on to have healthy babies. It’s impossible to say whether Reflexology was the main factor in that, however I do believe that the fact you are doing all you can to get yourself into the best state of health you can, with good nutrition, minimum stress, plenty of sleep and Reflexology to restore balance and eliminate toxins gives you a much better chance. 

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, please follow the “Contact Me” link at the top of the page.

© Carol Bailey 2021

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