
Reflexology for Health and Wellbeing

Reflexology for Health and Wellbeing

Reflexology is a Natural Therapy which has many positive general health benefits. Personally, it’s both my favourite treatment to do and also my favourite to have!

Although the idea of Reflexology is thousands of years old and many ancient cultures are known to have practiced it, modern Reflexology is based on a “foot map” which shows the different areas of the body and the corresponding reflexes on the feet. Reflexologists work on these foot reflexes to restore balance and good health to the body. The energy centres and meridians are also taken into consideration to provide a thorough “whole body” treatment.

Like all my treatments, Reflexology is a Holistic Treatment, which means that all the areas of the body are worked on during every treatment. Although I sometimes find imbalances and crystals  on the feet and I may linger and do a little extra work on a particular area, I do not diagnose or try to treat the symptoms of a particular illness or issue. This is not just because I am not a Doctor! It’s because I believe that all areas of the body are linked and whilst symptoms may manifest themselves in a particular area, the actual problem can be rooted somewhere else.

I always start my Reflexology treatments by soaking the feet in a blend of two or three Aromatherapy oils which I will choose at the time. This is not just a nice way to start the treatment but also a way to enhance the treatment with some essential oils suited to you and your current state of health.

The treatment consists of a combination of techniques to manipulate the different reflex points, and soothing foot massage. It takes around an hour and many of my clients fall asleep during the treatment. 

So what is Reflexology good for?

Stress, anxiety and depression

Fatigue, ME and insomnia

Hormone issues, menstrual problems, fertility, pregnancy and menopause

Digestion issues and constipation

Back and neck problems and sciatica

Headaches and migraine

Allergies, hayfever, sinus problems and asthma

Fluid retention

Skin problems

Arthritis and rheumatism

Personally I think the power of Reflexology is when people are perhaps a little stressed and overwhelmed, maybe struggling with the work/life/family balance and they have a few different niggly symptoms they can’t quite put their finger on. If that sounds like you, you should definitely try it! A regular treatment is of course more beneficial than trying it once, most of my clients come here either once a fortnight or once a month for best results.

What is Reflexology NOT?

“Just a foot massage”, there’s a lot more to it than that!

A miracle cure or a replacement for medical treatment.  Reflexology should never replace  visit to your GP if you’e worried. But for a relaxing, natural, drug-free treatment option for a wide range of minor niggles and health issues it’s well worth a try.


If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, please follow the “Contact Me” link at the top of the page or give me a call on 07974 050950

© Carol Bailey 2023

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